Saturday, September 12, 2009

fun fashun

K8 says....

Laid up in bed all day with the flu so I've been browsing the spring collections. Maybe it's the NyQuil, xtra strength Tylenol, tamiflu or gallons of Gatorade talking, err, writing, but there's not been anything so far to spark my fancy or blow my skirt up....yes, I'm ending a sentence with a I said - copious amounts of Gatorade. I do have to mention Jason Wu's collection - he does a stunning interpretation of vintage modern; my favorites were the flirty dresses in serious fabrics - not one ditsy floral in sight. I can see Mrs. Obama in any of these I do many women. I usually love Rag and Bone but this collection was played a little too safe. I know they have a thing going and it's been successful but I'd seen it before...walking the same runway in front of the same brick wall. I did however love love the shoes(although they looked more fall than spring to me) I always make sure to go back and view the details on because you often see some really cool things you don't necessarily notice in the front view - this is how I spotted the shoes.

In other news, I did my part to help out with "Fashion's Night Out" by lending a hand at my local Macy's and contributing my dollars to the unsteady economy. While taking a coffee break from folding and chatting I took a stroll past Liz Claiborne and loved it - Isaac is doing a fabulous job on re-inventing their brand. I can't make up my mind as to whether it's a good or bad thing that I liked his collection - I'm not your typical Liz customer. Great blazers, retro plaids, and the handbags are awesome - and although I can usually spot PVC croc from miles, they really fooled me. I think I'll head back in a few weeks when everythings 75% off and make out. In the end, I left Macy's with the signature tee of the evening, a gorgeous velvet Rachel by Rachel Roy dress(gonna try to make it work for office and evening), and sore feet. Check out Rachel.....can't beat the prices and the accessories are rad.

Really hope they make this a yearly event....Go Anna Wintour - that bitch makes shit happen!!!